Saturday, May 7, 2011

Fun filled weekends

I have been busy every weekend for the past three weekends or so. I have been spending a lot of time with Eric's family, which I love. We went to Lake Lure last weekend...hiking, relaxing, lots of wine and catching up...those are the best times--even though during this time, I got hiccups for five hours straight! (side note: Eric just said, "you're not writing about me, are you? I'll have to sue your ass!" hahaha) anyway, I love spending time with his family. They are so so so different from my family, but the family-feel is always present. I think I would go crazy without those times, because my family is very rarely all together at the same time anymore. We live all over the state and it is difficult to see each other on the same day...which is why I am thankful that Eric's family is small and somewhat close together. Well, this weekend me and Eric had a little day date...went to eat lunch and then to the art museum. Afterwards we ran some errands...which oddly is always my favorite trip to go on with him haha. Tomorrow we are going to a winery with his family for Mother's Day and I can't wait! I'm sure it will be weird not spending the day with my own mother, but I will see her next weekend for my sister's baby shower!!!

It seems like everyone and their mother is getting married lately! I know it is wedding season, but i have known a least five couples that have gotten married in the past two weeks...that is a lot! Now, this is not including the royal wedding, which I thought was adorable even if it was blown out of proportion. Oh, want to hear one of my many cute Kindergarten teaching moments for that day? I let the kids watch some of the events before school officially began. As one of my boys was sitting on the carpet, he got a very confused look on his face and said, "Ms. Nowlan, WHAT are they doing?!" I told him that they are getting married and now they are husband and wife. He got a very serious look on his face and quietly asked me, "Are all of us going to have wives when we grow up...?" I told him that he would if he wanted to. I thought this was hilarious. He sounded so concerned that this was going to happen to him haha! Oh, I could tell stories about them all day long. I told you I would end up talking about teaching in pretty much every post! I just have to say that I LOVE teaching. It is the most rewarding, educational(for me), hysterical, fun job for me. I love the innocent nature of my kids. They question everything, which I love. I think it is very important to open their eyes to everything life has to offer, different opinions people have and make sure they know it is okay to have their own, different cultures, different vocabulary, everything. I love it when they make connections and grow from them! They can make me laugh by the simplest statements because they are so serious about everything that they say or ask me. I love it.

Alright, I'm going to finish this movie that I am obviously not paying attention to. Enjoy the rest of your day, everyone!

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